The University of Turin is one of the largest Italian Universities, with about 80.000 students, 3.900 employees (academic, administrative and technical staff), 1.800 post-graduate and post-doctoral research fellows. Research and training are performed in 27 Departments, encompassing all scientific disciplines (except Engineering and Architecture). As for internationalization, The University of Turin is involved in about 600 cooperation agreements with institutions all around the world (South America, Mediterranean countries, India and China, in addition to Europe), including joint educational programs at undergraduate and doctoral level.
The University of Turin is deeply involved in scientific research and manages roughly 600 projects per year, both at the national and international level. Under H2020, 118 projects have been funded so far (2014-present), among which 27 projects are coordinated by the University of Turin, 7 ERC and 9 Research Infrastructures grants.
Role in NEW ABC:
- Within WP4, test of the pilots Teacher training and family involvement in pluralistic approaches to language education (with the University of Bologna) and International migrations & (im)mobilities: offline/online practices, identities, agency and voice of youth within temporary reception centres.
- Present in WP1, WP2, WP3, WP5, WP6 and WP7.
The pilots will be carried on the basis of the expertise in the domain of teacher education and training and creation of multimedia content, as well as the long-lasting contacts held with both local and international partners in the domain of multilingual education.