Designing strategies to increase NEW ABC impact
On 13 December 2022, the NEW ABC General Assembly was held in Nicosia (Cyprus) to establish the
impact strategies of the project and agree on the adaptability of the pilot actions and their
application on a broader scale by other communities and organisations.
After reviewing the detailed action plan for the coming period, an open discussion was held to
share how the team is doing both technically and personally. Paola Cardinali from the Ethics
The committee then offered some interesting guidelines, such as the importance of
constant dialogue with the stakeholders and communities involved in the project.
Impact, dissemination and communication strategies were then discussed. It will be important
to enhance synergies and broaden networking for project beneficiaries. Different tools will be
used for this purpose, such as publications, the Science Shop, the platform or the final NEW
ABC event. Regarding the replication of the pilot actions, it has been reported that the
mentoring process has been satisfactory and the repilots differ from the original pilots in
several aspects on the practical factor (age, number of participants, etc.) and the contextual
factor (educational, socio-demographic, legal terms).
The project is on track to tackle the second part, as NEW ABC has just turned two years old and
has reached the halfway point.