NEW ABC Platform

Welcome to the NEW ABC platform. This site is where you will find all the practical information related to the pilots that are being co-created and tested in the project. In NEW ABC each pilot action action explored a specific aspect of the inclusion of children and young people with a migrant background in education. It has been an interchange space for migrant children and young people, teachers and local children in education, by getting to know and learn from each other. Learn more about the NEW ABC Pilots

All the pilots followed the same process: they were firstly tested by one consortium partner, who prepared a handbook describing all the activities they carried out and the way activities were conducted, and then another partner retested it after having adapted the activities to their specific geographical and socio-cultural context. Another handbook resulted from this retest. This might be inspirational for those willing to adapt the action to their own reality.

Below you will find the nine NEW ABC pilot actions classified into different categories, so you can check them according to your interests. For each pilot action, you will find a link to the factsheet with practical information about the action and all the resources developed during its implementation, including the handbooks with the activities conducted, together with some guidance tips from partners who implemented them. Templates and materials for carrying out the activities can also be found at the disposal of everyone who needs them for replicating or adapting the activities to their own context.

The NEW ABC pilot actions' classification according to different categories

NEW ABC pilot actions

* Click on the image above for an overview of this pilot action and the process of adapting activities to different geographical and socio-cultural contexts.

Find here below all the materials prepared by the NEW ABC partners who first came up with this pilot action. You can find some particularities, the handbook prepared to explain the whole implementation process, and templates and specific materials produced for carrying out some activities.

This handbook proposes activities to explore the social, cultural, emotional and well-being aspects of young people who translate and interpret for peers, family, and the local community.

Wrap-up of the action

Testing country
United Kingdom

Type of action
At-school and out-of-school activities

Children age
11-13 years and above

Download the handbook to learn how this pilot action was implemented

Activities you will find in this handbook:

  • Running a taster session
  • Let’s talk about safe research: Ethics & ground rules
  • Who is a young translator?
  • What is care and non-care?
  • Working towards your mini project
  • Reflection & Celebration
  • What next? Impact and dissemination

Click here for material and resources related to the activities

  • HOW TO… set out your own Club session

Template to set out your own Club session (editable Word document)

The template in PDF (non editable)


  • HOW TO… receive feedback from participants

Template to collect participants’ feedback after sessions (editable Word document)

The template in PDF (non editable)


  • CHAPTER 1. Running a taster session

Template to collect participants’ feedback after the taster session (editable Word document)

The template in PDF (non-editable)


  • CHAPTER 3. Who is a young translator?

Printout for the Young translator bingo (editable Word document)

The template in PDF (non-editable)


  • CHAPTER 5. Working towards your mini project

Template to create a storyboard (editable Word document)

The template in PDF (non-editable)


Poster advertising the storyboard competition (editable Word document)

The template in PDF (non-editable)


  • CHAPTER 6. Reflection & Celebration

End-of-project feedback card (editable Word document)

The template in PDF (non-editable)


  • CHAPTER 7: What next? Impact and dissemination

Advice leaflet -to read version (non-editable)


Advice leaflet -to print version (editable Word document)

The to-print leaflet in PDF (non-editable)


Feedback card for impact-related presentation activities

The template in PDF (non-editable)

Find here below all the materials prepared by the NEW ABC partners who replicated this pilot action. The second pilot of the action was adapted from the first pilot, after taking support and inspiration from the partners previously implementing it. You can find some data about the particularities at which these activities were conducted, you can download the handbook prepared to explain the whole implementation process, and finally, you can get access to the templates and specific materials produced for carrying out some activities.

Wrap-up of the action

Testing country

Type of action
At-school and out-of-school activities

Children age
11-13 years and above

Download the handbook prepared to guide the implementation of this pilot action

Click here for material and resources related to the activities

* Click on the image above for an overview of this pilot action and the process of adapting activities to different geographical and socio-cultural contexts.

Find here below all the materials prepared by the NEW ABC partners who first came up with this pilot action. You can find some particularities, the handbook prepared to explain the whole implementation process, and templates and specific materials produced for carrying out some activities.

This handbook proposes activities to explore different pillars of human experience such as connection, loss, trauma, loneliness, friendship, change, communication etc., based on the book The Adventures of the Little Prince.

Wrap-up of the action

Testing country

Type of action
At-school activities

Children age
Groups of all school stages: pre-primary, primary, secondary

Download the handbook to learn how this pilot action was implemented

Activities you will find in this handbook:

  • Cultivating the value of gratitude in a mixed class of migrant and non-migrant children
  • A little bird narrates…
  • The Little Prince travels to our classroom
  • The Little Prince meets Irene
  • The Little Prince and the Black Planet
  • The Little Prince in our world

Find here below all the materials prepared by the NEW ABC partners who replicated this pilot action. The second pilot of the action was adapted from the first pilot, after taking support and inspiration from the partners previously implementing it. You can find some data about the particularities at which these activities were conducted, you can download the handbook prepared to explain the whole implementation process, and finally, you can get access to the templates and specific materials produced for carrying out some activities.

Wrap-up of the action

Testing country
United Kingdom

Type of action
At-school activities

Children age
Groups of all school stages: pre-primary, primary, secondary

Download the handbook prepared to guide in the implementation of this pilot action

Click here for material and resources related to the activities

Presentation for Art and PSHE Subjects


Presentation for English Language

* Click on the image above for an overview of this pilot action and the process of adapting activities to different geographical and socio-cultural contexts.

Find here below all the materials prepared by the NEW ABC partners who first came up with this pilot action. You can find some particularities, the handbook prepared to explain the whole implementation process, and templates and specific materials produced for carrying out some activities.

This handbook proposes activities involving the use of more than one language or culture simultaneously during the teaching process designed for teachers, educational professionals, parents and pupils.

Wrap-up of the action

Testing country

Type of action
At-school activities

Children age
6-14 years

Download the handbook to learn how this pilot action was implemented

Activities you will find in this handbook:

  • Flower of languages
  • Linguistic portfolio
  • Deep roots are not reached by the frost
  • Plurilingual fairy tales
  • A salad of tales
  • The long journey of robot verbs
See more
  • Creating a grammatical videogame
  • Class vocabulary notebook
  • Plurilinguistic videogame
  • Family roots
  • On dialects and poetry
  • From Ulysses to other travel stories
  • Let’s talk about sport
  • Tourist guide
  • The language of problems
  • Museum audioguides

Click here for material and resources related to the activities


Download a template of the Flower of Languages (editable Word document)

The template in PDF (non-editable)



Download the NEW ABC Portfolio (editable Word document)

The template in PDF (non-editable)



Watch children participating in NEW ABC singing the song



Watch the fairy tale in Romanian shown to pupils in the beginning of the activity



Watch the fairy tale in Romanian shown to pupils in the beginning of the activity



Download the poem in dialect; “Udor ad ca” by Elide Casali



Watch the audio-guides developed by pupils participating in this activity

Find here below all the materials prepared by the NEW ABC partners who replicated this pilot action. The second pilot of the action was adapted from the first pilot, after taking support and inspiration from the partners previously implementing it. You can find some data about the particularities at which these activities were conducted, you can download the handbook prepared to explain the whole implementation process, and finally, you can get access to the templates and specific materials produced for carrying out some activities.

Wrap-up of the action

Testing country

Type of action
At-school activities

Children age
Groups of all school stages: pre-primary, primary, secondary

Download the handbook prepared to guide in the implementation of this pilot action

Click here for material and resources related to the activities

* Click on the image above for an overview of this pilot action and the process of adapting activities to different geographical and socio-cultural contexts.

Find here below all the materials prepared by the NEW ABC partners who first came up with this pilot action. You can find some particularities, the handbook prepared to explain the whole implementation process, and templates and specific materials produced for carrying out some activities.

This handbook proposes activities to promote mentor-mentee relationships between young people aged 12-15 in the school context.

Wrap-up of the action

Testing country

Type of action
At-school activities

Children age
6-14 years

Download the handbook to learn how this pilot action was implemented

Activities you will find in this handbook:

  • Introduction sessions
  • Needs and challenges
  • Mentoring training skills
  • Co-creation activities – “Nothing for us without us”
  • Involving the community – Intercultural activities
  • Reflexive meetings on values and social issues

Find here below all the materials prepared by the NEW ABC partners who replicated this pilot action. The second pilot of the action was adapted from the first pilot, after taking support and inspiration from the partners previously implementing it. You can find some data about the particularities at which these activities were conducted, you can download the handbook prepared to explain the whole implementation process, and finally, you can get access to the templates and specific materials produced for carrying out some activities.

Wrap-up of the action

Testing country

Type of action
At-school activities

Children age
6-12 years

Download the handbook prepared to guide in the implementation of this pilot action

Click here for material and resources related to the activities

* Click on the image above for an overview of this pilot action and the process of adapting activities to different geographical and socio-cultural contexts.

Find here below all the materials prepared by the NEW ABC partners who first came up with this pilot action. You can find some particularities, the handbook prepared to explain the whole implementation process, and templates and specific materials produced for carrying out some activities.

This handbook is a training resource to develop a multi-modal workshop with and for unaccompanied minors who are errant or at risk of becoming errant.

Wrap-up of the action

Testing country
Spain & France

Type of action
Out-of-school activities

Children age
14-20 years

Download the handbook to learn how this pilot action was implemented

Activities you will find in this handbook:

  • Rap workshop and video-clip making
  • Photo workshop
  • Workshop on digital tools
  • First aid workshop
  • Workshop on legal issues
  • Subjective Mapping Workshop
  • Audiovisual production workshop

Find here below all the materials prepared by the NEW ABC partners who replicated this pilot action. The second pilot of the action was adapted from the first pilot, after taking support and inspiration from the partners previously implementing it. You can find some data about the particularities at which these activities were conducted, you can download the handbook prepared to explain the whole implementation process, and finally, you can get access to the templates and specific materials produced for carrying out some activities.

Wrap-up of the action

Testing country

Type of action
Out-of-school activities

Children age
14-20 years

Download the handbook prepared to guide in the implementation of this pilot action

Click here for material and resources related to the activities

* Click on the image above for an overview of this pilot action and the process of adapting activities to different geographical and socio-cultural contexts.

Find here below all the materials prepared by the NEW ABC partners who first came up with this pilot action. You can find some particularities, the handbook prepared to explain the whole implementation process, and templates and specific materials produced for carrying out some activities.

This handbook proposes to give voice to the real needs of children (and families) in education and to increase the visibility of how inclusion can be co-created with the ideas of teachers, children and their relatives.

Wrap-up of the action

Testing country

Type of action
At-school activities

Children age
Groups of 3-6 and 6-12 years

Download the handbook to learn how this pilot action was implemented

Activities you will find in this handbook:

  • The book club
  • Kamishibai on inclusion
  • Renovating a room
  • Creating a digital book
  • Puppet theater
  • Poetry
  • A school to eat

Click here for material and resources related to the activities

  • Receive feedback from participants

Template to collect participants’ feedback after sessions (editable Word document)

The template in PDF (non editable)

Find here below all the materials prepared by the NEW ABC partners who replicated this pilot action. The second pilot of the action was adapted from the first pilot, after taking support and inspiration from the partners previously implementing it. You can find some data about the particularities at which these activities were conducted, you can download the handbook prepared to explain the whole implementation process, and finally, you can get access to the templates and specific materials produced for carrying out some activities.

Wrap-up of the action

Testing country

Type of action
At-school activities

Children age
Groups of 3-6 and 6-12 years

Download the handbook prepared to guide in the implementation of this pilot action

Click here for material and resources related to the activities

* Click on the image above for an overview of this pilot action and the process of adapting activities to different geographical and socio-cultural contexts.

Find here below all the materials prepared by the NEW ABC partners who first came up with this pilot action. You can find some particularities, the handbook prepared to explain the whole implementation process, and templates and specific materials produced for carrying out some activities.

This handbook proposes an approach towards building the identity of children, both local and migrant children, around the history and heritage of the region they are living in. To that end, it focuses on the role of intercultural assistants and their mediational relationship with children, schools, local communities and other stakeholders to enable a more effective anchoring of newly arrived children.

Wrap-up of the action

Testing country

Type of action
Out-of-school activities

Children age

Download the handbook to learn how this pilot action was implemented

The activities you will find in this handbook are all related to a Sketchbook they have developed, which has 43 conceptually and graphically designed worksheets and 15 blank worksheets, which can be designed by the participants of the integration process in any way they wish

Click here for material and resources related to the activities


Download the Sketchbook IN ENGLISH


Download the Sketchbook IN POLISH


  • PART V: Evaluation, summary and reflection as an element of the work with the sketchbook

Download a template for notes and reporting (editable Word document)

Find here below all the materials prepared by the NEW ABC partners who replicated this pilot action. The second pilot of the action was adapted from the first pilot, after taking support and inspiration from the partners previously implementing it. You can find some data about the particularities at which these activities were conducted, you can download the handbook prepared to explain the whole implementation process, and finally, you can get access to the templates and specific materials produced for carrying out some activities.

Wrap-up of the action

Testing country

Type of action
Out-of-school activities

Children age

Download the handbook prepared to guide in the implementation of this pilot action

Click here for material and resources related to the activities

NEW ABC wants to share some tips to make it easier for you to adapt the activities to your own context. Click on each of them to see a longer explanation with examples and further details.

Evaluate the most suitable way to approach linguistic and cultural diversity

Feel free to adapt the activities included in this action according to your context and participants. For example, the focus might not be the same if you are working on linguistic and cultural diversity with local or long-time settled migrant communities (as in this repilot action), or if your participants are recently arrived refugees (as in the original pilot action), who might need a different approach to discover the linguistic and cultural heritage of the host community.

Plan with flexibility and avoid frustration if activities do not go as expected

Instead, allow pupils to lead and eventually transform the activities according to their needs and interests. For example, children might be interested in using the proposed activities to discuss other related experiences and concerns or to use other ways to express their points of view. Thus, when planning your activities, try to provide different options and spaces for pupils’ decision-making, and don’t get stressed in the face of unexpected changes, as this is part of co-creation.

Do not pre-define what languages, cultures and other key concepts are

Following principles of co-creation and collaboration, avoid imposing pre-established definitions of the action’s key concepts and allow children to express and build their own understandings of languages and cultures according to their repertoires and life experiences. Keep an open mind and consider that starting from what is relevant for them will probably make your action more meaningful and engaging.

Explore the neighbourhood where your action will be developed before going out with pupils

This will allow you to identify potential opportunities and challenges for children’s exploration during the field trip activity so that you can better promote and support their reflection about the cultural and linguistic landscapes around them. Having a previous idea of what can be found in their local context can also be helpful in deciding how many groups to create for the outing and how many adults will be needed to watch them over, as well as how many sites to document per group and which areas might be more convenient to explore.

Identify some engaging resource(s) that might work as a trigger to start your action

This could be for example a music video, a short, animated film, or any other resource from child/youth popular culture that might serve to introduce the topic of linguistic and cultural diversity in an attractive way and to encourage pupils to talk about their related experiences. Using an engaging ‘hook’ on your first session might make a big difference in children’s disposition towards deeper reflection in the upcoming activities. You can also use this resource to open the room for pupils’ own preferences. For example, in our action, we started by watching a music video from a Moroccan-Catalan hip-hop artist. This led pupils to share other videos from their favourite Arabic/Catalan rappers and to reflect together on why these artists and their lyrics made an impact on them.

Give voice and recognition to pupils’ multiple experiences, languages, cultures, manners and ways of behaving

Many of the things that children know and do in their daily lives are not usually visible or acknowledged at school, including the languages that they know and use at home, as well as other features and skills. Look for opportunities to let these practices emerge and be praised within this action, so that children know that their whole linguistic and cultural repertoires are valued. For example, you can encourage pupils to use their home languages in the activities and to teach some key concepts to their peers and adult facilitators, or to bring in and include their cultural knowledge into the activities.

Allow children to use multiple forms of participation

It is well known that embodied and arts-based approaches allow pupils to express feelings and ideas that do not always emerge through other channels. Use your imagination when planning the activities and encourage pupils’ participation through multiple and creative forms that go beyond typical school dynamics, usually based on oral or written expression. For example, you can include spaces for drawing as an alternative to writing for those children who are not yet fluent in the school language, or encourage the use of role-plays, games, singing, dancing and other ways of expression that might broaden everyone’s chances for participation.

Give space to local artists to allow children to come into contact with diverse forms of expression

An engaging way to open spaces for pupils’ creativity and participation in this action is by inviting one or more local artists to share their work and engage the pupils in a collaborative artistic performance. This exchange might help pupils to get to know different forms of artistic creation that might be available for them to perform and their affordances for self-expression. In this action, you will find inspirational resources to encourage pupils to express their ideas in creative ways. Indeed, one central activity consists of the design and production of an artistic creation guided by a local artist, and you can find a thorough description of the process and outcomes in our handbook. By the way, this was by far pupils’ favourite part of the action.

Be a model and be part of the reflection

Use this action to reflect on your own linguistic and cultural experiences, and share your story with pupils. For example, before asking children to produce their linguistic biographies through the ‘flower of languages’ (you can find the instructions in this handbook), create your own autobiographical account and share it with pupils, explaining your life trajectory in relation to languages, varieties and cultures. Along with being a model for their reflections, you might be surprised by your own findings!

Carefully guide the activities, so that sensible issues that might emerge can be discussed and critically revised

Don’t be surprised if the intended reflection around linguistic and cultural diversity leads children to express their opinions or concerns around other sensible topics, such as racism and other forms of discrimination. It might also be the case that during the activities they express their own linguistic and cultural prejudices and stereotypes about certain languages, accents or communities. Rather than avoiding these topics, try to be prepared and use them for critical reflection.

Be ready to redirect the discussion of pupils back to the main points

So far, we have recommended to be flexible and let pupils’ interests guide the action. However, there might be times when their initiative leads them far from the main topics and objectives of the proposal, into directions where they might lose the opportunity to reflect on the linguistic and cultural diversity around them. If this is the case, you can have some strategies prepared to bring them back to the topic, for example by sharing a personal experience and asking for their opinion, or by displaying some engaging audiovisual resource that might promote group discussion.

Involve families and other members of the school or the community as much as possible

When planning your activities, think of possible ways to involve pupils’ families and the wider community both in the action processes and in the final outcomes. This can be done by asking pupils to explain or to implement some of the activities at home (for example, they might create the linguistic biography of a family member) and bring some feedback back to the sessions. And, of course, family involvement can be promoted by organizing some type of final presentation for parents, siblings, friends, and the rest of the school and out-of-school community, as we did in our action.

Save some time after each activity and at the end of the project for collective reflection

This might be an important space for connecting the work done and the experiences lived during each session with the main objectives of the action. As in previous tips, you can also be creative here and propose diverse and dynamic forms of critical reflection, so that everyone finds a way to participate (see for example the strategies used by the urban artist in our handbook, or the postcard we used for the last session, where students could write what they had liked the most and what they had shared with their families). If there is not much time in every session for a proper collective reflection, you can use some sort of ‘exit pass’, asking pupils to share one word or brief comment about that day before leaving the room.

* Click on the image above for an overview of this pilot action and the process of adapting activities to different geographical and socio-cultural contexts.

Find here below all the materials prepared by the NEW ABC partners who first came up with this pilot action. You can find some particularities, the handbook prepared to explain the whole implementation process, and templates and specific materials produced for carrying out some activities.

This handbook proposes creative and practical activities for young people in school to express their voices and share their stories through the writing and sharing of poetry.

Wrap-up of the action

Testing country

Type of action
Out-of-school activities

Children age

Download the handbook to learn how this pilot action was implemented

Activities you will find in this handbook:

  • Introduction focus group
  • What is poetry?
  • What is rhyme?
  • Something different – Free verse poetry
  • So how long is a poem?
  • Tone, theme and metaphor
  • Final creative writing and exit focus group

Click here for material and resources related to the activities


Download a consent-assent form template (editable Word document)



Download a sign-up sheet template (editable Word document)


  • Self-expression through poetry in a nutshell

Download an info flyer about the pilot (editable Word document)

Find here below all the materials prepared by the NEW ABC partners who replicated this pilot action. The second pilot of the action was adapted from the first pilot, after taking support and inspiration from the partners previously implementing it. You can find some data about the particularities at which these activities were conducted, you can download the handbook prepared to explain the whole implementation process, and finally, you can get access to the templates and specific materials produced for carrying out some activities.

Wrap-up of the action

Testing country

Type of action
Out-of-school activities

Children age

Download the handbook prepared to guide in the implementation of this pilot action

Click here for material and resources related to the activities

* Click on the image above for an overview of this pilot action and the process of adapting activities to different geographical and socio-cultural contexts.

Find here below all the materials prepared by the NEW ABC partners who first came up with this pilot action. You can find some particularities, the handbook prepared to explain the whole implementation process, and templates and specific materials produced for carrying out some activities.

This handbook is addressed to different social actors and organisations, volunteers, citizen groups, and policy makers−actively engaged in the reception and direct assistance of asylum seekers and refugees in the form of health, psychological, legal protection and educational and learning support. It proposes a step-by-step procedure to collect the life and migratory trajectories of young adult asylum seekers and refugees, paying particular attention to processes of inclusion and integration through formal (e.g. education, school, work) and informal learning (e.g. social relations and encounters).

Wrap-up of the action

Testing country

Type of action
Out-of-school activities

Children age
14-20 years

Download the handbook to learn how this pilot action was implemented

Parts you will find in this handbook:

Part I: research pilot design
Part II: methodological tools to carry out research
Part III: co-production of digital video narratives and storytelling

Find here below all the materials prepared by the NEW ABC partners who replicated this pilot action. The second pilot of the action was adapted from the first pilot, after taking support and inspiration from the partners previously implementing it. You can find some data about the particularities at which these activities were conducted, you can download the handbook prepared to explain the whole implementation process, and finally, you can get access to the templates and specific materials produced for carrying out some activities.

Wrap-up of the action

Testing country

Type of action
Out-of-school activities

Children age
14-20 years

Download the handbook prepared to guide in the implementation of this pilot action

Click here for material and resources related to the activities