NEW ABC’s Three Little Pigs at the ELLME’24 International Conference
On 5 September 2024, the NEW ABC partners from UAB Valeria Tonioli and Claudia Vallejo Rubinstein participated in the ELLME’24 International Conference in Granada, Spain.
Researchers from all over the world to contributed to the conference, aimed at analysing and discussing issues related to multilingualism, in its broadest sense, from birth until the beginning of the compulsory education stage, usually 6/7 years old, as well as the transition from this period into Primary Education (up to 8 approx.).
The NEW ABC partners presented the experience of an activity conducted during the repiloting of the “Teachers training and family involvement in pluralistic approaches to language education” pilot action. With the aim of involving school families in the creation and use of plurilingual materials including their home languages, they co-created a plurilingual children’s book: The three little pigs
This plurilingual book contains 11 home languages from children and families at the school participating, and includes both a written and an oral version, the latter recorded by the families involved.