Enriching students’ knowledge and skills through Service Learning
On 10 October 2024, the NEW ABC partners Rachele Antonini and Greta Zanoni from the University of Bologna carried out an initiative about Service Learning in Forlì, Italy. Pupils from two classes of primary and secondary school of Istituto Comprensivo Valle del Montone organised a round table with their teachers and with representatives of the public library “Battanini” in Castrocaro Terme to present the Service-learning project “Collabori-amo con la Biblioteca”, which they carried out in the 2023-2024 school year as part of NEW ABC.
Service Learning is an educational approach that integrates Service, i.e. active citizenship and commitment to the community, with learning, i.e. the development of both social and disciplinary skills. Service Learning allows students to enrich their knowledge and skills through an experience of service to the community.