Scientific publication on the experience of the co-creation approach with teachers
NEW ABC partner Nicola Nasi has recently published an article in the Action Research journal, where he explores teachers’ perception of the level of involvement of academic researchers in participatory action research and outlines some possible strategies to enhance communication during the process of co-creation. The title of this paper is “Co-creating with teachers during participatory action research: Teachers’ perceptions, researchers’ dilemmas, and some possible strategies to enhance communication in the field”.
Throughout the research process, researchers intentionally avoided influencing the planning and implementation of activities to let teachers and children take the lead. This choice was effective as it promoted teachers’ and children’s ideas and resulted in a set of activities that positively impacted everyday school life.
However, interviews with teachers revealed that several teachers evaluated this posture negatively, which is interpreted by the researcher as “a dilemma that researchers inevitably face when adopting a methodological framework based on co-creation”.
Learn more about this topic in this article: https://actionresearchplus.com/working-with-feedback-in-action-research-and-education-by-nicola-nasi/
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