NEW ABC joins the International Mother Language Day

February 21, 2022 By 0 Comments

On the occasion of International Mother Language Day, the students of the Comprehensive Institute “Pacchiotti-Revel” gave voice to their many close and distant languages, which represent an important heritage to grow as citizens of the world.

Pupils presented themselves using a family language or dialect or by putting the foreign languages of schooling. The interactive planisphere that opens on the padlet is dotted with placeholders scattered across different continents, corresponding to the places from which languages originates. By clicking on each counter you can listen to the audio posted by the students.

This teaching proposal is part of the activities to enhance plurilingualism promoted as part of the pilot action “Teacher training and family involvement in pluralistic approaches to language education” of NEW ABC, led by UNITO and UNIBO, Italy, under the guidance of researchers from the University of Turin Cecilia Andorno, Paolo Della Putta and Silvia Sordella (Department of Humanities).