The União de Refugiados em Portugal – UREP was created on 10 May 2013, by refugees in Portugal, with the aim of promoting the total inclusion and civic rights of refugees in Portugal by articulating with competent and key actor within the Portuguese society. It collaborates with the competent entities in the recognition processes, validation and certification of skills acquired by refugees and asylum seekers throughout their lives; promotes the development of intercultural competences of members and the refugee community through national and international trainings and workshops, and collaborates in the development of social support structures for asylum seekers and refugees who do not have any means of subsistence.
With several experiences in intercultural mediation with refugees from different origins and backgrounds in understanding their needs and committed to contributing to the well-being of all refugees in Portugal, UREP; through its activities, intends to understand the needs of refugees and collaborate with other institutions responsible for the development of effective responses, contributing to a well-defined and successfully implemented strategy.
Role in NEW ABC:
- Within WP4, implement the pilot Mentorship for a better integration (with University of Porto)
- Present in WP1, WP5, WP6 and WP7