DOCUMENTARY: Migrant lives: remembering the past, living the present, imaging the future
The NEW ABC partner Gerardo Mazzaferro (University of Turin) has produced a video documentary as a part of their pilot action in NEW ABC. This documentary, entitled “Vite di Migranti. ricordare il passato, vivere il presente, immaginare il futuro” (Voices of migrants: remembering the past, living the present, imaging the future) shows testimonies of four young people with a migrant background that have participated in the pilot.
This video gains insights into young adult migrants’ life and migratory trajectories with particular attention to processes of inclusion and integration through formal and informal learning as well as the (re)construction of subjectivity and identity. This video combines collaborative and participating research approaches with digital ethnography research tools. The aim is to increase understanding of migratory processes to take active and concrete action in supporting asylum seekers’ and refugees’ integration.
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