NEW ABC’s broad representation at IMISCOE
On 5 July, five NEW ABC partners joined the 20th IMISCOE Annual Conference, held on 3-6 July in Warsaw, Poland. The NEW ABC project had its own panel at the conference, being the project coordinator, Rachele Antonini (University of Bologna), the chair of the panel, entitled “The NEW ABC project: co-creating solutions with children/youth with a migrant background to overcome educational and social inequalities”.
The panel consisted of 4 presentations by the NEW ABC members Katarzyna Kärkkäinen (University of Jyväskylä), Valeria Tonioli (Autonomous University of Barcelona), Farzana Islam (Active Citizen Europe), Cátia de Carvalho (University of Porto) and Jakub Kosciolek (INTERKULTURALNI PL):
- Doing multimodal and arts-based collaborative research in forced migration contexts: possibilities and challenges
- Exploring an extra-curricular program on linguistic and cultural heritage to reduce educational and social inequalities
- “Mentoring for a better integration”: building the relationships between migrant and non-migrant students for inclusion in the school
- Co-creation of the new educational realms with children through the use of a cultural and linguistic sketchbook