The NEW ABC meeting comes to an end with a focus on dissemination
The second and last day of the Technical Meeting of NEW ABC has focused on dissemination, as the project is entering a phase where research activity is coming to an end, and the phase to spread and share results and outcomes begins.
Two important dissemination activities were presented today, prepared as tools for dissemination of the project, to bring the results of the co-created pilot actions from the grass-root level of children/youth, families, educators, and civil society organisations to the level of regional, and national and European education and integration policymaking: the NEW ABC Escape Room and the NEW ABC Exhibition.
The Escape Room has been produced by UNIBO, with the assistance of an expert in these tools. It has been designed for school children, which are asked to go through different challenges and short games to escape the school, where they are trapped.
The NEW ABC partner COMBO has designed the Exhibition, entitled “Kids on their own”, in which photographs have been taken by young people within their participation in the pilot action Empowerment of unaccompanied migrant minors through multimodal co-creation in situations of errant mobility. This exhibition will be first shown in Forlí, and then it will travel to different partner countries.