The NEW ABC UK Team at the 21st Annual IMISCOE Conference in Lisbon

July 8, 2024 By 0 Comments

On 3rd July 2024, member of the NEW ABC UK Team Nelli Stavropoulou (The Open University / Oxford Brookes University), presented on the importance of care and reflexivity in participatory arts-based with children and young people with migratory experiences, as part of the 21st IMISCOE Annual Conference in Lisbon, Portugal (2-5 July). This year’s conference was hosted by the CIES-ISCTE (Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology) with the theme of ‘Migration as a Social Construction: A Reflexive Turn’.

The presentation was part of the panel ‘Participatory research as method of reflexivity in migration research’ and drew together reflections and analytical lessons from engaging in participatory co-creation research processes with children, young people, and teachers in education. This presentation builds on the work of the UK team led by Professor Sarah Crafter (The Open University), Professor Guida de Abreu (Oxford Brookes University) and Dr Nelli Stavropoulou (The Open University / Oxford Brookes University). The dialogical and complex nature of participatory research calls for a reflexive, responsive and caring approach to research that prioritises and foregrounds participants’ daily realities, stories, and voices. Such an approach was described as part of a series of co-creation activities engaging multi-lingual children and young people from a refugee and migrant background.

IMISCOE (International Migration Research Network) is the largest interdisciplinary network of researchers in the field of migration. The research network currently consists of 69 research institutes from different countries and from various disciplines including sociology, political science, anthropology, economics, law, demography, public administration, geography, and history. Find out more: