Fascinating discussions at the Young Translators Club

February 8, 2022 By 0 Comments

The Young Translator Club is part of the UK’s Empowering young translators pilot action, which is being led by the NEW ABC partners at the Open University and the Oxford Brookes University. The club runs weekly workshops for young people aged between 11-14 years old who have direct experience of translating for family members and peers at school.

They have been completing a series of arts-based workshops including co-creative activities, discussion groups, interactive games, mapping exercises, and research jeopardy games. Through their engagement, club members have been developing new research skills (e.g. interviewing skills); collectively deciding ethical ground rules and ways of working together; as well as exploring how it feels to help others through translating.

The workshops have supported club members to come together as a group to engage in dialogue about the importance and value of young translating as a caring and compassionate practice, sharing co-creative activities about what it means and feels like to translate. These activities have been the venue for fascinating discussions about different cultures, languages and connecting with others as well as important conversations about research, ethics, translation and notions of caring/not caring.

Check the video they have created explaining the action!