Multimodal workshops with school students in Portugal
During the last months, the Portuguese teams in the NEW ABC consortium, the University of Porto and the association of refugees in Portugal UREP, organised several workshops and activities with students in different schools in Portugal as part of the repiloting of the pilot action Empowerment of unaccompanied migrant minors through multimodal co-creation in situations of errant mobility.
On the one hand, the UP/UREP team developed a 10-session workshop on photography with students from a school in Lisbon. The workshop was facilitated by Cristina Santinho and Tomás Nolasco.
On the other hand, the team developed a workshop on podcast production with a group of students from a school in Lisbon. The workshop was facilitated by Ruben Martins, from PÚBLICO. After the workshop, Ruben Martins invited the students to visit the headquarters of PÚBLICO, one of the major media channels in Portugal. There, students had the opportunity to learn more about podcasts and how news is created.
Finally, the UP/UREP team organised a visit to a mosque for a group of students from a school in Lisbon. The students had the opportunity to spend some time in the mosque and ask questions to explore their knowledge of Islam. The mosque is located in Meu Martins, on the outskirts of Lisbon, and the Imam is Mr. Mamadou Bah.