Final seminar and training in Finland

September 6, 2024 By 0 Comments

On 29 August 2024, the NEW ABC partners from the University of Jyväskylä held the final seminar and training related to their pilot activities in Finland.

They introduced participants to the activities conducted during the repiloting of the “International migrations and (Im)mobilities…” pilot action, and showed the different audio-visual material they produced in the workshop sessions: the set of photos taken, one of the films that were produced, etc. Also, Hannele Vestola from Aurinkopaja, their collaborating institution, talked about Aurinkopaja experiences in participating in activities with a focus on young adults’ needs.

“These were also topics that were reflected a lot in discussions (both formal and informal) that we had with young adult participants. We had a lot of fruitful discussions. The activities awoke a lot of interest. We also introduced the handbooks and showed the participants of the seminar how to navigate through our webpage”, stated the NEW ABC partner Katarzyna Kärkkäinen.