NEW ABC at the ETMU Conference
From 29 November to 1 December 2023, the University of Jyväskylä hosted the 20th Society for the Study of Ethnic Relations and International Migration (ETMU) conference, where research on ethnic relations and international migration is discussed. During the conference, the NEW ABC team had a premiere of the documentary they produced during the repiloting phase of the action International migration and (im)mobilities: identities, agency and voice of refugee background young adults.
The film is entitled “FINLAND. OUR DAYS. OUR DREAMS” and was co-created with six young adults who fled from Ukraine after Russia’s brutal invasion of the country and took part in the repilot activities. “The screening session was also co-created with the participants, and some participants joined us for the session and discussions. It was great to see that the film session awoke a lot of interest and discussions, and was appreciated for bringing positive vibes to the conference. Thank you all for joining the session and engaging in discussion”, stated the NEW ABC partner Katarzyna Kärkkäinen.