Pilot: The adventures of the Little Prince in the World

It is important to implement this pilot because…

the pilot will allow migrant children to address daily problems and traumatic experiences in a manner that supersedes culture and language and enables them to form meaningful connections with their peers and the community. Through the pilot activities, migrant children’s voices will be heard which is of paramount importance as their views, concerns, ideas, and fears are often dismissed or overshadowed by adult perceptions and attitudes.

The aim of this pilot action is…
to increase the resilience of migrant children by reshaping the narrative of their experiences, allowing them to become integrated smoothly into school life. The pilot is addressed to 2 age groups referring to primary school pupils and secondary school students.

The pilot will develop a training toolkit that will address the emotional needs of migrant children and contribute to their better integration.

First testing of the pilot in


Second testing of the pilot in

United Kingdom

From the book “The Little Prince”, 12 concepts are drawn in the form of short quotes representing pillars of human experience such as connection, loss, trauma, loneliness, friendship, change, communication etc. Using the quotes as the beginning of their journey, the children explore the ideas, give examples, and form their own stories to tell, through drawings, words, and games.

Once all 12 concepts have been explored, children develop resiliency by realising the universality of those feelings, ideas and concepts that transcends culture, religion, or location.

This pilot will contribute to address some or all of the following objectives:

  • To enhance the resilience skills of migrant children.
  • To support staff working for the integration of migrant children by offering them a Handbook for applying the pilot’s methodology with their groups.
  • To develop a better understanding of the migrant children’s needs and how to address them in an appropriate and effective approach.
  • To build new cooperation models for influencing policymakers in Cyprus for improving the living conditions, treatment and learning opportunities of migrant children.

Conversations on the pilot action The adventures of the Little Prince in the World

Presentation of the pilot The adventures of the Little Prince in the World

Multimedia gallery

Multimedia by the NEW ABC UK team

The adventures of Little Prince repilot action video by OU and OBU
The adventures of Little Prince in Oxford

Representation of The Little Prince in the World

Activities with pupils

Teachers training